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Sunday 14 April 2013

Chicken Pox Treatment for Kids and Adults - Experienced

Chickenpox(varicella zoster)

Chicken Pox
Chickenpox is an usually an infection which is caused by a virus called varicella-zoster. You must know, there is no cure for chickenpox. Usually, you will get infected with chickenpox through air or someone who already has chickenpox. This is really very contagious disease. You must stay away from those who are infected and mostly when the blisters are turning into blank and yellow. Once this virus is entered in your body, you will have to suffer for minimum 15-20 days. There is no way to get rid of it!

Chickenpox can occur in any age. Either you are a 1 month child or 20 year old. Mostly it occurs at the age of 14. It is to be known that chickenpox occurs only once in a life. It may occur twice in rare cases.

Price: $610

Note: This disease is more severe in adults compared to children.

In this article, I am going to share my personal experience that occurred recently(march 2013). The total number of days that I suffered was around 18-21 days yet the spots have not gone till now(April 12).

Few weeks ago, I got a small blister(on Friday) on my left finger and then another small blister on my fore-hand. I didn't knew that it was the starting stage of chicken pox. I thought that those blisters happened due to sultry(hot) and i ignored it. The next day, I had a lot of oily junk food and the very next day I felt that I was infected with viral fever.

The second night(Sunday), I got small blisters all over my  back. It was disgusting. It is not necessary that he/she suffers with high fever and severe headache. In my experience, I got fever just for one day, no chills, no pain and no headache at all neither any cough except with itching.

These blisters are usually found on the whole body starting from hands, arms, then stomach/back, face and finally legs. In some rare cases, they may also happen inside the mouth such as on throat. But, I didn't find any blisters neither on my throat or inside my cheeks. The one which gets on face is the worst one. More blisters are usually found on face and they are extremely itchy. Usually the blisters are itchy when the are coming to dry up.

As my personal experience, chicken pox in adults are extremely nasty. After 5 days, blisters on the face turn into BIG and yellowish. You will definitely hate to look yourself into the mirror! And feeling very sick, no hunger, no sleep at all, sultry is very common. I used to be awake till 3 in night.

My diet during chicken pox was normal break fast at 8 am, watermelon or apple at 11 am, buttermilk rice at 1 pm, followed by lots of cucumber. Again watermelon at 4 pm, just buttermilk at 6 pm, normal dinner at 8 pm, cold milk at 10 pm. Do remember to drink lots and lots of water the whole day. There is no need to take any tablets or creams. You just have to be on liquids and raw fruits.

Note:  1. Do not touch the blisters.
          2. Do not let the water touch those blisters.
          3. Forget of having bath until the blisters are perfectly dried up and turning into black.

When you see the symptoms of chicken pox, the next step you must follow is to cut your nails. Never touch the blisters with your fingers, they spread very vastly and are disgusting. Similarly, when you have a bath.

Note: If the blisters are very itchy, you can use "neem tree leaves for itchy blisters". Those leaves are Ayurvedic and of course you can get rid of itching for a while. I have used this for almost 10 days.

Day 1 to 2: One or two blisters usually on hands.
Day 3 to 5: The blisters keep on grows up every day on every part of your body and are BIG.
Day 6 to 10: Now they are completely grown up and start itching very extremely, mostly on face.
Day 11 to 15: They start turning up into yellow and black(Never touch them!).
Day 16 to 21: Now, they totally dry up and you can have a bath. The dried blisters will be removed while you have bath.

Diet you must have:

I heard that the one who gets chickenpox can take any diet like chicken, fish etc etc...But that's wrong! You shouldn't touch any oily food, junk food. Please stay away till everything is one. The oily food will make your blisters more itchy. 

1. You may take frozen products such as milk shakes, Ice-creams, butter milk.
Butter milk in rice is the best diet to have when you are infected with chicken pox. But remember not to add salt in it. Eating curry rice may cause in loss of glamour/complexion.
2. Drink a lot of water. At least 12-13 bottles per day.
3. Intake of rich quality fruits. One of the best fruit is Water melon. This fruit contains a lot of water in it. The more you eat, the more chances of getting cured chicken pox faster. Also eat fruits like apple, banana.
4. In vegetables, Cucumber is the best one. It has a lot of water benefits. Also, have some carrots.

Note: Please stay away from spicy and salty foods as much as possible. Stay in your room, do not come outside of your room as it is very contagious.   

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